Wednesday 11 June 2014

Shots From My Hip

This is a zine I made earlier in the year. I hope you enjoy it.



My Degree Show Work

I'm sat at a bit of a skanky computer at Uni after making a deal with whatever unseen entity that was lsitening to help me get into Blogger, to well, blog.

I normally get on Blogger from home. But I can no longer do that. Oh no. On the run up to the Degree Show my kids have smashed my laptop screen arguing over make-up. This is not made-up.

So to access it from here (uni) I needed a long forgoten password to update my blog or run the risk of looking a right tit whilst people access my new proper grown up blog: Joannaortizwordand image and it has nothing on it.

I got in and now it has..... this. And the following pages of my zine that I have shown at the Degree Show. It's a start people, it's a start.